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 Wandering thief [open]

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PostSubject: Wandering thief [open]   Wandering thief [open] Icon_minitimeThu Jul 29, 2010 8:13 pm

Walking along the roads of Death city, occasionally taking a left turn, sometimes a right, wandering, wandering, wandering...... I come to realize the truth that I've known this whole time, not being able to admit it. I look around me, not a living soul in sight. This is horrible, how could things have changed so much since last time? Eventually I fall to my knees, tears flowing without controll. I let out a howl of desperation.


Now what were you expecting? there isn't excactly anything going on here, it's peacefull, or everyones away on some carnival. Why didn't they tell me? I keep walking, hoping to eventually run into someone.
I think about knocking on someones door, or maybe throw a pebble at someones window. But it's late, people would get upset.

"Gaaaahhhhhh.. I'm doomed aren't I?"

I stare dumbly at my tanto, the supposed demon sword. I think I got fooled somehow. Maybe this was an ordinary tanto, laying around real demonic weapons. No, I can't think that way, I have to believe. Some day it will awaken, and we'll become the most powerfull being this world has ever seen.

"Tch... you'll talk... one day... you just wait..."

I stop in the middle of my sentense. Something changed. It was so sudden too. One moment I'm talking (to myself apparently) and now it appears that I've made it to a clearing, a marketplace or something.

"This is..... Ghaaahh.. I still don't have a clue of where I am... how's a stupid market change anyth...."

Once again I get cut short, but this discovery is a bit more significant, or so it feels. From the alleys, blocked by the tall buildings around me, it was impossible to see it, altough I had a slight feeling that something was there (liar -.-')

"Thats a.... a.. what is it really? Oblivion, you know what that is?"

I discard the cold treating my demonic weapon gives me by remaining quiet. I mean really, this would be the perfect chance for him (or her) to awaken and completelly explaing to me what I'm looking at.
But my weapon remains silent, leaving me completelly ignorant of what the large rip in the sky is.
But I've learned from a young age that the best way to find out what something is, is to take a closer look on it. And so I hop up on the roofs of the buildings nearby.

"Hope I dont wake anyone... and even more so I hope Shinigami-sama won't see me up here..."

And so I dash away, along the rooftops. Closer and closer towards that omnious rip in the sky.
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