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Join date : 2010-06-04
Age : 30
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PostSubject: Site Rules   Site Rules Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 3:26 pm

These are the rules for the ENTIRE site any breaches will result in warnings and bans;


Discrimination is not tolerated on this site what so ever this includes; Race, Colour, Relgion, Age, Sex, Etc, Etc...

Multiple Accounts

Having more then one account so you can RP with yourself is not fun, cool or a worth while thing to do as doing so will result in posts being reset.


Please refrain from using text speak in your posts not everyone can understand it. By that, we mean sayin stf lik dis. r u gttin me? Its just frustrating.

Please try to keep swearing to a minimum we understand that in posts the character are put into situations where it just feels right to write a swear word or two but keep it to these must have situations and not used excesively.


Read the "getting started" before writing your application making sure that you can cover all bases, while leaving some blank spaces is ok as long as they are filled in before you start playing is ok, having half an application missing is not acceptable and will be declined without so much as a second look.

Character Knowledge

there is a simple rule regarding your own character knowledge to another. There are multiple possible ways for your character to know another personal information such as name, age, tastes etc

The rule is that upon entering a thread, you know nothing of the other players unless you have RolePlayed with them before and that they have told you the info or you have seen it occur in front of you. If you say you have met them before, you have to have some kind of proof like a thread where you both fought etc.

You will also not know a character powers at all until you have fought them. Once they have been used, you will only know the ones that had been shown. If they had 4 but you saw 3 then you can only make reference to the three you saw.

Try to make this as realistic as possible or you will definatly be shunned by other members for not playing fairly


No GODMODING at all, ever, God-moding is taking control of some-one elses character or making an attack hit. (For those needing a more obvious motion) "He stabbed her in the shoulder". (This is wrong, an acceptable way is) "He aimed a stab for her shoulder". You must always give your opponent the choice to block, dodge or take the hit.

Remember that your not a god. fighting somebody as strong as you will have a 50-50 chance to hit you. So dont dodge and block everything. This is a form of godmoding.

Don't spam posts (posting before your go or posting as a different character of which you own) to boost your posts as this will result in double the posts you made being reducted from your total posts.

When you role-play, you must always write in third person. Saying that YOU did it all isn't the right way to go about things. You need to state that HE or SHE did things. Your not your character exactly so you need to describe what THEIR doing not what YOUR doing. If you were, your posts would be full of descriptions about typing on a keyboard.

One Liners?

When Roleplaying, you need to be able to make a name for yourself. The easiest way to do that, is to write enough for your battles to be interesting. Yes, the more you write in both your applications and threads the better you will look. However, not writing enough will make you look like an idiot. People that write one sentence saying "I run forwards and hit you" are going to easily be booted from the site for pure idiocy. Thats because that line was in first person and was also god modding Smile Thats why we recommend every post be at least two paragraphs long. that way, fights and talks can always be interesting and you don't brick a thread.

No Killing

you cannot kill another player now matter how hard you try. even if your a million stages better you are forbidden to slay other members characters. However, event thread have their own set rules which need to be read if your about to join an event.
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