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 Application Assistance

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2010-06-04
Age : 30
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PostSubject: Application Assistance   Application Assistance Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 12:29 pm

lately, ive been seeing applications including a lot more information that I actually need right now. There's a reason as to why the extra bits are separated from the rest of your application.

As you progress through the site, your member rank will increase making your characters more powerful and unlocking new stuff. What are those new things? everything written in the "member ranking" is the answer. They have a number on em which shows what rank you need to unlock them and ALSO when we need it in your application.

So in short, you don't need to add those extra bits until you are of the appropriate rank to use them. Why is this? Its to shorten the starting application for those that just cant be bothered to write loads on their first arrival.

Do I hear you saying "that's their problem?" Well its our problem too if they don't write their apps and join. Its not as if your character is going to be any different because they all start like this in the beginning. Your app just wont say as much and it gives more time to devise an unlock-able skill.
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