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 Byakko Fuyuichiro

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Byakko Fuyuichiro

Byakko Fuyuichiro

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-06-17
Age : 47
Location : Missouri

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Byakko Fuyuichiro Left_bar_bleue1/7Byakko Fuyuichiro Empty_bar_bleue  (1/7)

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PostSubject: Byakko Fuyuichiro   Byakko Fuyuichiro Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 7:54 am

Character Name: Byakko Fuyuichiro
Character True Age: 1175
Character Appearance Age: 30
Character Gender: Male

Byakko Fuyuichiro has a loyalty that is fierce when it comes to his family, friends and his ship. He will defend them until the end. One of the most important aspects to him, is his friendship with people and he is even loyal to those who are innocent in these troubled times. He is also loyal to his comrades in arms, and those who are at his side when he is in battle. This also includes those who are in the service with him. Additionally, he is very well manneteal person, his etiquette is that of a man in the military and he does show respect to all people, no matter who they are, especially to those of rank. This has been trained into him and he still follows the skills to the letter and only adjusts them as he sees fit.

Byakko Fuyuichiro's personality is one who is full of honor and dignity. He shows that to everyone he meets, and is very proper. He never insults anyone and is always loyal to his friends. He has honor even for his enemies and respects them, and will even morn for them. He holds the honor of a person higher then who that person is. Since it is the personal integrity, the distinction that one does to those around him. He has a duty to his friends and keeps a number of items with him, to remember those who have been defeated, and they are very close to his heart. These personal items are a reminder of his friends and family are always with him and it is his duty to do what he can for people.

Byakko Fuyuichiro is very observant and is a thinker, he thinks before he reacts and is calm and cool headed. He will not do something stupidly and fool hearted. He uses this all the time and is someone that makes decisions based upon the facts and what he knows, or is known. As he learns more about something, his decisions change based on the new information. An intelligent person, but he is not a weakling in a fight. In addition, when he does get into a fight, he can be serious, but also determined to succeed at whatever it is he starts. Even though he does get upset at people, he still has a kind and gentle heart and will not do anything to harm people.

Physical Appearance:
Standing at a height of six feet (one point eighty-two meters), is a man who has shoulder length black hair and piercing blue eyes, with an average build and who looks out onto the world with an intelligent eye. Additionally, you notice a scar upon his left cheek and a tattoo on the left part of his neck. The tattoo is a figure in cool light blue sits upon the closed fingers, with its wings fanned out looking like a bird of some type, while a pea-green colored sun is behind the blue bird. The tattoo is probably one of the least known items about Kenichi and hardly anyone notices it, although it is out in plain daylight, and he will not say anything unless someone brings it up or asks him about it.

Clothing and Zanpakutō Description:
He wears a Shihakushō, the standard uniform of the Shinigami that consists of a white shitagi, a black kosode, a black hakama, a white hakama-himo, white tabi, and waraji. Additionally, at his waist is a Tori katana Japanese Sword that features a ”Flying Crane” themed Tsuba and Fuchi/Kashira while the Menuki are Kabuto or Japanese helmets. High quality brown leather Tsuka-ito is wrapped over black Same. The Saya is wrapped at the mouth with black-lacquered rattan and then finished in a textured brown, matching the wakizashi that sits near the katana. While a deeply cut groove (bo-hi) is cut into the blade to provide audible feedback when swung properly. Besides the katana and wakizashi around his waist, is a flask of some type that is tied by a few cords to his belt that his katana is currently attached.

Reitsu Colour: Teal

Kido Skill:
The primary fighting style of Byakko is the art of Kidō, Byakko will use it a majority of the time, before he draws his Zanpakutō, as a way to stop a fight before weapons are drawn. This way, he can hold off on using his Zanpakutō.

Weapon Skill:
When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, he will first use martial arts before he draws his Zanpakutō. He knows the style Fu Jow Pai or Tiger Claw Style, which was modeled after the demeanor and fighting strategy of an attacking tiger. The striking movements are lightning fast, agile and powerful. The techniques unique to this style are ripping, tearing, clawing and grasping. Additionally, it is characterized by its extensive footwork, acrobatic kicks, low, wide stances, and unique fist position (where the thumb is curled in the same manner as the other fingers, rather than wrapped around them) .

However, he will draw his Zanpakutō and he uses this to block attacks that he feels Kidō or his martial arts will not be able to stop. Moreover, when attacked, he will block with his Zanpakutō, if it is drawn, with a hope to turn the attack on him into an attack on his opponent, by either deflecting the attack, making an attack using Kidō or with his martial arts or parrying the attack with his Zanpakutō.

Shunpo Skill:
Byakko is not the best at Shunpo, but he is on par with others of his level. He does work on it, but at most he can just move fast, as he has not mastered how to stand in the sky.

Born in the 15th District of North Rukongai, Soul Society, Byakko was raised with his brother and little sister by his father, after his mother died during child birth. Byakko, being the oldest of the children did a lot of work to help his father and even took care of his siblings when their father was working. Byakko and his siblings attended the local school, which was not much of a school, but enough to teach them the basics. While living in Soul Society, people would come and people would leave, especially when they went into the wrong part of Rukongai. Some joined the various street gangs and simply disappeared for no reason.

While in Soul Society, he saw many things and helps protect those who were unable to protect themselves from the various gangs that moved throughout Rukongai. Byakko has lived in both the 15th District of North Rukongai, in addition to Inuzuri, the South Alley of Flowing Spirits. While in Inuzuri, he was walking and ran into one of the numerous gangs that roam Rukongai and saw they were hurting a elderly lady and those with her. Being a gentleman, he stepped up and asked them to stop, which turned into a fight with Byakko receiving the scar he has on his left cheek. After the fight, with Byakko receiving the defeat and injury, he was treated by the elderly lady and once he was well enough, offered to help her and stayed with her for a few years.

After his time in Inuzuri, Byakko went to the Shinōreijutsuin, to take the test to become a Shinigami. However, his first five times he took the test, he failed, and before he thought of giving up, he took it a sixth time. On his sixth try, he was accepted into the Shinōreijutsuin. During his time at the Shinōreijutsuin, he would help those who needed help, and he got into a number of fights with the bullies of the Academy, and he was corrected for these fights and did extra work, but he still kept at what he did while he was alive, gaining a number of scars due to these fights.

At the Training Grounds, Learning Kidō
Before Byakko traveled to his Inner World, Byakko spent many hours learning different Kidō, and this was something that he practiced greatly. He would spend a total of two weeks for each Kidō that he was trying to learn. First he started off with Way of Binding Kidō, or Bakudō, followed by Way of Destruction, or Hadō. His first Kidō was Geki (Strike), followed by Sai (Restrain) with Hadō 33, Sōkatsui being his third Kidō. Additionally, Byakko was getting help from a senior Shinigami at the Academy, who went by the name Mizuryu.

Bakudō 1, Sai
By the time Byakko had finished practicing Geki, it was mid-afternoon, and he had forgotten to bring something to eat, and was starting to get hungry, but this was important, and he could go without food. He moved to a tree and sat down under it, resting as he spent a good amount of hours practicing and relaxed for about thirty to forty-five minutes. After resting in the shade, and getting a second wind, he looked at the book he had checked out, which was the best he could do that had the three Kidō,'s he wanted to learn in. Although, reading the book was hard as some of the print has smeared.

Although, hopefully this Kidō, was easier to learn than the other, granted it was a low level Kidō, like Geki, but that does not mean anything. After reading the book for about two or three hours, due to the way the text in the book is, for Bakudō 1, Sai, Byakko stood and read the pages a few more times as he looked at the dummies. "Alright, time to give this a try," he says to himself and Mizuryu as he moved out from behind the book and looked at the dummy and though as he began to speak.

"Bakudō 1, Sai," he says as he looks at the dummy and he prays this will not backfire and get him instead. However, it doe backfire, and his arms are pulled behind him all of the sudden and held in a painful way, "Ahh, that hurts," he says as he tries to break free and walks around, getting strange looks from the students that are at the training ground. Mizuryu continues to laugh as he goes through and finally falls to the ground, breathing and bent over, "Not funny Mizuryu," he thinks to his Zanpakutō. "I beg to differ," he says. "I find it hilarious," and the laughing continues as Byakko works to free his arms. "The only bad thing, is that it takes a lot of effort to break them," and he grunts and stops Which I do not have," he adds as he sits and waits.

After a few hours, he is finally able to free his arms and grunts in the process as he is free at last. "Ok, time to try this again. Wish I had read the book more" he comments on as he stretches his arms and looks at the target again and closes his eyes. "Bakudō 1, Sai," he says as he looks at the target and watches as one of its arms are bound behind its back, and than after a few minutes, it is released and Byakko looks. "Ok, lets try this again," he states as he repeats the process, getting the other arm behind the dummy and after a few minutes, it falls back to its side.

He thinks as he smiles "Almost have it," and he takes a breath to rest as he is getting a bit winded and getting caught in his own bind is not any good, especially if you struggle to get free. Looking at the dummy and smiles as he looks at the sun and sees that it is close to sunset and close to supper time, but that is the least of his worries as he looks at the dummy again, speaking. "Bakudō 1, Sai," he states simply.

Watching the dummy, Byakko waits and than starts to see something happen. The dummy's left arm starts to move and is pulled back behind its back, and held there. Next, the right arm follows what the left arm just did and it is pulled and held into place, than the arms are pulled closer together as the Kidō, works and he smiles, "Good," he states simply to himself as he moves to the tree and the book that is resting against his Zanpakutō and looks up the next Kidō,.

Hadō 33, Sōkatsui
Looking at the dummy, Byakko thought as he read the pages on the next Kidō, he wants to learn, Sōkatsui. As he reads, he thinks and looks at the light or what little remains and thinks are the sun is getting closer to setting, as the sky starts to turn into an orange, from the normal blue. "Sōkatsui, Hadō 33 is a Kidō, with a long range, and fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to Shakkahō, but over a wider area and with more power," he reads as he looks. "This will be a good Kidō, to know, although it is going to hurt if it backfires and it will," he adds as he reads on.

"To use Sōkatsui, you need to say the incantation correctly," he looks as he thinks and he reads on "You must point at the target and say the following incantation, which is 'Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!'" and as he speaks, there is a blue light at the tip of his finger, which is not pointing at the dummy, but it pointing at the ground, specifically his own feet.

As he finishes saying the incantation, the blast flies form his finger and hits him in the foot, causing him to jump high into the air and land on his butt … hard. Additionally, his pants are on fire and as he tries to put the fire on, it starts to spread form the wind, and he blinks, " Suijin, Ruler of Water! The moon shines down on you, giving her blessings! Cast your wrath upon our foe! Hadō 22, Suimyaku." and as he says this, he points to himself and the wave(s) hit him soaking him fully yet putting the fire out and he sits there, like a wet dog. Wiping his eyes, with his soaked sleeve, he sighs, "Note to self, point at the target, not the ground," he says as he sits there, looking at his pants and rises to his feet to go over to the book.

Looking at it as he steps off to the side and away from the book as he gestures towards the target this time, and speaks, "Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!" he says as the spiritual energy forms at his hand and as he finishes talking, he looks at the target and nothing happens, as his hand just has a blue flame. He blinks as he looks at this and closes his hand, thinking away the energy in his hand as he thinks and looks to the sky, and the sun that has now set and the starts are starting to appear.

Closing his eyes, he ignores the wetness, the empty stomach and the pain in his limbs form the backfires of the day as he opens his eyes, pointing at the target and speaking. "Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!" he states as he looks and his hand glows than the blue spiritual energy flies form his hand, and at the target, hitting it and causing it to burn and the area around the dummy is damaged form the blast, but as this is the Training Area, so things like this happen … a lot.

Once the fun and all has ended, Byakko takes the dummy, or what is left of it and places it in the proper place to be fixed, and than returns, taking the book and his Zanpakutō and turning to look at the area one last time. He smiles internally and heads back to the library to return the book. After that, he heads back to his quarters to get changed, get something to eat and to sleep.

After he learned these two Kidō, Byakko began to work on other Kidō. These include Hainawa (Crawling Rope), Kyokko (Curving Light), Tsuzuri Raiden (Bound Lightning), Shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire), Seki (Repulse), Enkosen (Arc Shield), Sajo Sabaku (Locking Bondage Stripes), Shō (Thrust) and Kyōmon (Mirror Door). By learning these Kidō, he would be able to defend himself or others both in the Human World or in Soul Society. Byakko enjoys Go and drinking either Sake or Japanese Shinshū Wine. He normally has a small flask with him filled with either Sake or Shinshū Wine. Additionally, he enjoys spending time with other squads when there is down time and even the occasional drinking contest, but this is not done too often.
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PostSubject: Re: Byakko Fuyuichiro   Byakko Fuyuichiro Icon_minitimeTue Jun 22, 2010 10:55 am

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