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 E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy]

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PostSubject: E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy]   E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 7:34 pm


E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Chateau_de_chambord_castle_loire_valley_france

The entire thing is hopefully going to be set in a lovely school that “is symmetrical in every way” just to add the humour of soul eater to the site. However, this school is HUGE! And by that I mean ZOMG Huge. It looks all historic and old on the outside but modern and nice on the inside. this school has nothing out of place and a nice series of gardens and play grounds with fields. However, these play grounds usually see fights.

This school is in the middle of a Huge Lake which surrounds the school for some peculiar reason. Other cities do exist all over the world because this entire thing is set in the real world, present day. School uniforms and everything are worn and school regulations are lived up to. However, everyone fights each other in a competition game. getting home is somewhat fun because they have to take a boat to the other side and drive the rest of the way.

Past Plot

This school wasn't always like how it is today. Exactly one year ago, this place was just a normal school in the middle of a lake. Nothing else was peculiar about it. That was until the headmaster died of an unfortunate illness that took his life in his sleep. Without a headmaster, the school was sent into a spiral of confusion and turmoil where the rules no longer applied. the students would just do as they please and cause chaos. It was easy without a Headmaster to control them. Rumours of a new headmaster turning up today were being spread and so if they kept playing like this, the new Head would just leave. That, was until the doors swung open and a bright light shone down the halls. All the chaotic students stopped as a man, no older than they were, walked into the building.

He was nothing like anybody else. Pitch black hair, hands shoved into dirty jeans and a rough white shirt that didn't look too comfortable. He walked through the crowd of students that were gathering at the door and into the staff room on the top floor. The entire school was in a state of shock. They knew exactly who he was because he came to this school ever since it was founded. He was the headmasters son, Darrion Black.

A good hour passed in that staff room with out a word passing through the door. A massive group of students had now turned up to try and get a hear in. Almost everyone in the school were standing outside the door. Then suddenly the door slammed open knocking a couple of people over. In the doorway stood Darrion once more. He looked down at the students that were trying to eavesdrop and held out his hand to aid them to their feet. Soon after, he just walked away. Some teachers looked at him as he left and shook their heads.

The following day, an assembly was called in the main hall for every student to attend.They all turned up in their numbers and watched the stage as Darrion, from yesterday, walked onto the floor. He stood up against a microphone that was in front of him and began to speak. His voice was very slow, boring, and had a tone that would kill people.

"well where do I begin? My name is Darrion Black as most of you should know. I'm the headmasters son of which died recently leaving this place unoccupied, until now. I'm not entirely sure what my plans are, but from now onwards, I'm the headmaster at this school and everyone answers to me."

With that said, he walked off. Everyone was shocked at the turn of events. A student becoming the headmaster? that's just insane.

the following week, Darrion wandered around the school to try and entertain himself. Watching the girls play tennis wasn't as interesting as it used to be now. It would be considered wrong if he continued his old passions and thus, he became a new man. Just a slightly bored one. Wandering for what seemed like a decade, Darrion came to the conclusion that this school was too boring to even be classed as a gathering point to learn.

He then began to hide himself in his dorm and his office to work on something. He sat there for days on end making things, breaking them, then trying again. He was a very smart person by inheriting his fathers knowledge and began to use that intellect to manufacture a game to kill off his boredom and to make the students more inclined to like him. A month later, and he had finished. It had only taken a month, but he had made his own game out of the software on his computer he manufactured by himself. Without any other purpose, he ran around every single dorm and gave the game to them each student for free. All he asked, was that they all tried it at least once before deciding if it was worth playing.

This game, involved cards that you collected within the system and used to fight other players around the school via a network connection. Soon, everyone was playing it, collecting the cards they sought after. This became really popular because of the cards. They were all of people they loved and knew from the gaming and anime universe. However, this game was not enough for Darrion to be happy.

Its just sad to sit there all day playing a trading card game on the TV. So, he hid away once more for a while and walked out later with a new invention. Gathering all the students in the playground, he threw the small metallic box onto the floor that began to emit lights and lazer sights. Then, Darrion pulled a card out of his pocket. It was one from the game he had made and he threw it to the floor. The card glowed a dull black as it crashed into the floor and then quickly enlarged. The card then summoned a huge beast onto the playground. The small invention he had created made the card game real. The huge beast developed into a dragon that roared its head off before staring at the students.

E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Akantor

"you all thought that my game was fun did you? well now, live the game. Collect those cards and fight in the real world. From now on, this school will be named E-DA. the Eternal Duellist Academy."

Those events happened one year ago. Now, the game has spread all across the school. Everyone is playing it with these great features and powerful characters. However, Darrion would never let the cards leave the school. That was easily held by the dorms that the students stayed in. The boats that went across the lake would detonate any cards that left the school to keep his game from leaving.

Strangely enough, teachers began playing the game and enjoyed it as much as the students. Teams began to appear and class forms battled it out to see who was best. More cards were introduced until the entire game became life. A second way of living. But nobody knew what Darrion would do next. He always held that Dragon card close to himself. He would never leave his dorm without it. Although he plays with low ranked cards to help the students and freshmen years, he would never play down a card that would be overwhelming.

Game play

So what people are going to be doing, is staring each other up to begin with like in any other manga or anime with all the chit chat that follows. Then suddenly, flip out a card to begin the fight. This card will have an image as well as an attack variation. These attack variations are basically the special powers the card has. Every card has one, but stronger cards have more.

So when the card is flipped and the image is show, the card is thrown to the floor of which it will glow a nice colour depending on the player. It will then conjure the image into the world of what was in the card. The things conjured up will be what fights the other players conjurations. And this wont be a turn based combat system like Pokemon games or yu-gi-oh matches. Instead, the cards that you summoned will fluently move around and fight as though they were really in front of you. You will properly Role play as these summoned creatures of which are perfectly physical and have a real presence. So yes, you can hug them if you want to. However, every card has a personality so playing those out can give a more interesting way of fighting and a stranger social life. If the card is a person, then they can probably talk. If their an animal, they will make the normal noises and so on.

However, these conjured creatures and people won’t be random stuff thrown together; their actually from different series from real life. So when you’re getting your cards for the first time, its likely that you may see somebody you know from a game you played. The people you fight will probably have cards you know as well. Getting those cards is the hard part.

When you fight, even if you lose, you gain credits. This is a currency separate from your real life cash as that doesn’t take much of a point in the game. You would then spend these credits on booster packs of cards. these will include a random selection of cards that are added to your account for viewing.

The card Summarized

E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Deaththekidp

Characters Name: Who the character is
Series from: Shows what series of anime / games etc they originate from
Power Rating: A digit in the top right corner distinguishes a cards overall power
List of variation attacks: The different powers available to that card. Descriptions of these attacks will appear on the site instead of the card
Card Image: A simple image of the summonable creature’s appearance
Card Level: The level of the card and how far into their growth it is.

The card level is a peculiar part of the games system. Whenever you use a card, it has a number in the bottom right hand corner. This denotes the version of this card. Also known as their stage. There are several stages of every character card. Each stage will be stronger than the previous one, and much more rare. There are 5 Stages of every card. BASE, 1, 2, EX and EX+ (EX+ only existing of certain cards)

These stronger versions of card will know 1 more variation attack as well as the ones its previous versions knew. A Stage 1 Ichigo may have his Shikai variation but his Bankai wills till be inactive. You could also have a BASE pikachu with thunderbolt but that’s all it would know.

Power Ratings

1 - 5

Stage 1
4 - 8

Stage 2
7 - 10

9 - 13

13 - 16

In theory, a Stage 2 with a rating of 10 could beat an EX with a rating of 9. This just adds more of a realistic feel to those cards that may not be as strong as others in certain forms.

Diorama Cards

sometimes, simply standing around in a playground gets boring. Some creatures require a certain limit as to where they can be used. You simply cant summon a mermaid fish thing without a large enough water supply. Thats where diorama's come into play. As you go through, you may come across a diorama card. When this is used at any time during your post, the effects the card denotes will occur over the environment your in.

However, these new environments start off by acting like holograms before solidifying. for example:

E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] OceanFloor

This card would hit the area with a huge tidal wave that seems to come from nowhere. Neither the players nor the summoned creatures will feel its impact. In fact, it would be as though it was not even there. however, once it has settled and the fight can continue, the effects of the environment will kick in. In this case, underwater battles mean the bigger creatures will move slower and water based creatures will be faster. Also, fire would be rubbish here where as water would be great. Also, if your using a land based creature, underwater physics will still apply. So jumping high would actually be possible.

Fusion Cards

E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] FusionoftheDeathGods

Sometimes, a battle will get out of hand and out of your control. Its likely that the opponent is much stronger than you are. However, you need to be able to put up a decent fight, and that's where Fusion cards come into play.

Take one from your selection and use it to meld your own body with the body of your summoned card. This, gives the power rating on your card a nice boost by 4 places. This allows the cards to go slightly over the top with their power rating.

Also, a cool aspect of fusion, apart from the extra power, is that you gain their appearance but keep your genuine personality. For example: if i was to fuse with Goku from the Dragonball Z series, my hair would go a black colour; my clothes would change into orange garbs and my muscle mass would severely increase. As well as that, whenever I would talk, my voice would be echoed by Goku. So it would feel like two people saying the same thing at exactly the same time. However, fusion doesn't last that long and when its over, the card you fused with will be defeated.

Card Level and colour Coding

(parts in brackets are for staff use only)

BASE = white (Very Bottom Left)
Stage 1 = Green (Middle Left)
Stage 2 = Red (Bottom Left)
EX = Bronze (Middle Right)
EX+ = Silver (Very Bottom Right)

Diorama = Grey (Top Right + Land Icons)

Fusion = Purple (Bottom Right)

Going Into Battle

When you start up the fight, you’re going to want to know how to actually set it up. Well first things first, you find a decent place to cause havoc. Then, you all decide on the number of summons allowed per player. Then, you select out of your collection the number you decided and hold the cards. Then, you play the ones you want to, when you want. However, only one can be summoned at a time or Role play would be difficult. Some cards have two summons within so get those if you want several at once.


The cool thing about having friends is being able to fight along side them in a Team. Battles can have a number of people taking part at once so it isn’t always a 1v1 match. Teams of up to 3 at once can battle it out for a 3v3 match or less. The numbers can be altered, but fairness needs to be displayed.

Teams of course will be named and will be changeable. Moving from teams is easy as you just sign up in their charter and leave your old one. However, can you get into the best team in the school and make your name a legend?

Player Customisation

You’re going to get no where without a player. These players can actually be of any age. This is because you can choose to be either a Teacher or a student. Neither gain boosts nor advantages over the other, instead, different age groups and ways of role playing are given.

Form Tournaments

When you make your character, your given the choice of what form to enter. By this, we mean class groups. Only Two teachers can be in a form but up to 20 students can. These forms would then go up against other forms in fights to see which form is the best.

Whatever form wins the tournament, gains a rare booster pack for every student that took part and the top contenders of the entire tournament may be invited to the special "ultimate player" group.

Ultimate Player Group

This group consists of several small teams of two or more people that have been seen to have great potential in fighting. The ones with the best cards and the ways fighting tactics will be able to apply for this group.

Whilst in this group, your name will be splattered all across the walls as the most loved, feared, respected or known person in the school. Also, those that join the special group have chances when they win booster packs, to gain the ultra rare boosters for the ultimate cards.

Keep me posted

Those interested in the production of this idea, please reply to this thread saying so. Following your message, we will keep in contact with you if we decide to make any major changes and also when the site will be fully launched

Last edited by Chaos on Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:33 pm; edited 22 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy]   E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 10:29 pm

this now sounds way too awesome!!!. the way uve done it is superb, thouroughly interested
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PostSubject: PRACTICE TEMPLATE   E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 5:11 pm


Name what is their name?
Nick Name If any
Age How old are they? take note of school positions e.g Students, teachers etc
Gender Are they a guy or a girl? there are no others


Appearance Images any images that would be suitable to your appearance should be posted here as either a link or IMG code
Body Structure Describe what kind of body they have in 1 paragraph or more. remember to include parts of them that could be noted in their body build.
Body Features If they have any distinguishing features on their body such as scars, wounds or birth marks etc, then make sure its described here
Hair style Describe their hair style as detailed as necessary
Hair Colour Choose a colour for this hair or multiple colours and where their positioned
Facial Features if they have any features such as scars, moles, hair etc on their face, describe them here
Eye Colour simply choose a colour
Out of School Clothing describe how they would look out of uniform and in casual wear.

here, you must describe the character in different subjects. For each of these subjects, a paragraph or two will be needed.

In School How do they act during class?
Casual How do they act out of class?
Fighting How do they act during a fight
Likes What do they enjoy doing and like?
Dislikes What don't they enjoy / like?
Fears What are they scared of?
Gender Preference What preferred gender are they attracted to?
Family Attitude How do they act with and around their family?


Present Job if they have a job somewhere as well as school, describe their work here
Backround History Explain the important parts of their life up to the present day. Make sure you write at least 3 paragraphs to get the best results.


Starting Booster here, you should select one of the suggested booster packs for beginners and once your app is approved, the pack will be opened for you to view.



[b]Nick Name[/b]


[b]Appearance Images[/b]
[b]Body Structure[/b]
[b]Body Features[/b]
[b]Hair style[/b]
[b]Hair Colour[/b]
[b]Facial Features[/b]
[b]Eye Colour[/b]
[b]Out of School Clothing[/b]


[b]In School[/b]
[b]Gender Preference[/b]
[b]Family Attitude[/b]

[size=24]PRESENT AND PAST[/size]

[b]Present Job[/b]
[b]Backround History[/b]

[size=24]STARTING UP[/size]

[b]Starting Booster[/b]
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PostSubject: Re: E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy]   E-DA [Eternal Duellist Academy] Icon_minitime

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