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 Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni

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PostSubject: Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni   Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni Icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 10:07 pm



Character Name: Liimunsasai Genryūsai Shigekuni (L-eye-mun-say-say etc. etc.)

Character True Age: 4,400 years old (one hundred years younger than Yanamoto, his brother

Character Appearance Age: Oldie Wink

Character Gender: Male

Personallity: Old and extremely wise. He loves training and talking to his zanpakutou. He hates it when he sees any shinigami apart from Dum Dum on his land (cottage) and will kill if they don't get their arses off or when he sees the soul society being destroyed. He is a playful character but turns very serious when need be. He needs to sleep in his cottage, where his bedroom walls are covered in black walls which absorb spirit energy. When Liimunsasai (or Lii) sleeps, so much of this spiritual energy is released that it would pressurise a large area (making a feeling of lack of gravity and the start of destruction of buildings) of soul society almost instantly. It is the same when he is knocked out.


Appearance: 2ft tall and old. A mini Yanamoto. Beard exactly the same even in length. His arms are extremely muscly. He normally wears a black robe just like the shinigami robe except without the whiteness and is much to big for Lii. His sword hangs at his belt.

Reitsu Colour: Purple


Zanpakutou Spirit: soujuukujo (Manipulation of Destruction

Inner World: a forest with his zanpakutou in centre.

Sealed Zanpakutou: A normal walking stick. Lii's sword doesn't actually appear until he turns into Shekai, when the sword gets absorbed by him in the process. Doesn't reappear until in Bankai form.


Release Phrase: soujuukujo hireki

Release Actions: Lii rolls into a ball and purple fur starts to grow out of him uncontrollably until it is about 0.5ft long. Lii has turned into a crazy monkey, with razor sharp teeth. When the transformation is complete, the sword, which had turned ethedreal-like and floating in midair, flies into Lii and dissappears after glowing a bit more.

Shikai Appearance: A small purple monkey with stringy hair which spikes up like a cat when the monkey uses shekai ability 1. It's eyes are also a darker shade of purple and seem to glow faintly as if it was a source of light.

Shikai Ability 1: danpen kiregire (To Shred to Pieces): The monkey sees an enemy and all it's hairs spring up like a cat and the monkey screams at the enemy. Then as if the body moved automatically, the monkey leaps at it's maximum speed towards that enemy until it lands on the enemy. Then it uses it's claws which are glowing slightly now to shred the enemy to shreds no matter how heavily armoured etc. it is.

Shikai Ability 2: hakabakashii terepo-to (quick teleport): The monkey, when it either misses with shikai ability 1 or the enemy is beyond reach, the monkey flashes with a purple remain as if it wasn't normal flash step and appears about 20m towards the enemy so it's foe is within reach. In fact, the monkey teleports so any attacks which fly towards it misses.


Zanpakutou Bankai Name: soujuukujo kouki-tai

Bankai Release Actions: Lii leaps into the air and starts meditating insantly. His eyes start to glow purple and his Reitsu is emitted from all his body upwards towards the sky. He floats about 5ft normally, but can go any height. Within two feet, the soul society starts to dissolve in the extreme spiritual energy emitted.

Bankai Appearance: Looks just like Lii in features. The only major differences are; the man is levitating in the air and is in a meditating position, his eyes are purple and a small purple aura is emitted from the man instantly, and his eyes are glowing purple and are startling to see when moving especially.

Bankai Ability 1: ten'in (Natural [Evasion]): As if automatically, whatever Lii is doing at the time, if an enemy uses an attack upon the monkey, Lii flies out of the way by turning somewhat ethedreal like in a split second until out of the attack's reach. However, if the enemy is faster than Lii the ability doesn't work and the monkey can be hit. This ability is also used for travelling whilst in bankai form for Lii. Can go in any direction (even upwards) and always at extreme precision and maximum speed.

Bankai Ability 2: ruisanattou (total overwhelmingness): Lii starts to glow a reddish purple and starts to expand his spiritual field, making all inhabitants feel as if light gravity has taken effect. The buildings and the floors start to raise and then vaporise over the area (about 2 miles).

Bankai Ability 3: eriakai manipyure-shon (Area of Effect Manipulation): Lii's eyes suddenly flash white for a single time and purple liquid light starts to seep from the man's eyes a second later. This light starts to seep towards enemies nearby, the missiles which are homing and are almost impossible to avoid) and takes control of their minds. The Reitsu can manipulate anyone within 20 foot but can travel another 30ft (but can be overwhelmed then if a target is emitting more spiritual energy than Lii at that time). These enemies then march around and their bodies act upon Lii's will rather than their own. Only used as a last resort and doesn't affect Hollows. These solders restore themselves after two minutes, by which Lii could have changed any feature in their brain or their body (like changing triggers for movements of different parts of the body or destruction of that part altogether).

Additional Bankai Information: Be aware that Lii's bankai has three different stages of power with his bankai; rank one involves only ability one and summons no sword. Rank two involves the ethedreal summoning of four swords (which act as independant invulnerable solders) and involves all three abilities. Rank three has never been seen by any creature alive except Lii. Lii will only use this ability if the soul society and the human world are on threads of life (Lii's body starts to move towards a star shape and raises up to about a mile high. Then Lii emits extreme amounts of liquid purple light which overwhelms every part of a 20 mile radius and starts to pressurise the area, except as well as buildings and floors, life also starts to vapourise (at a rapid rate but the vapourisation stops after the creature/plant has a) vapourised or b) endured past the limit of Lii's power).


Kido Skill: Lii only uses kido when taunting enemies otherwise he uses his own abilities to destroy or control a group of enemies. He can use the hardest to master kido, as he has trained to do so for many years.

Weapon Skill: Lii uses skill and sword mastery to his advantage, searching for weak points and striking there at a massive speed for an easy kill. He does not believe in 'playing' with enemies and when he rarely has to fight he does so in full force. When in bankai mode, his swords have a mind of their own and therefore have true agility and freedom of movement, making it very hard to block the sword and even get past the sword.

Shunpo Skill: Lii uses his potential speed to great advantage when fighting, using the speed to strike enemies in the weak areas and slaying them in less than two seconds as they were unprepared. In bankai, he uses shunpo to a greater effect, using it to evade attacks and travel in the air (as well as his swords using the ability!) However, when he is not fighting he rarely uses shunpo at all even when travelling to battle as he feels that he has all the time in the world and to give those that are there their oppertunity to fight for glory. This deeply aggrevates most members of the soul society as he walks about 2 miles an hour and often stops to analyse the landscape..


History: When he was very young he trained with Yanamoto for about 1,000 years, in which he learned shekai and bankai. After when Yanamoto created the soul society, he trained on his own and helped to save as many souls as possible from the hollows.

But then a major event happened 1,000 years after that which changed his attitude towards the shinigami altogether. He got ambushed by all the captains and luitenants for some reason he does not know to this day and fought to the death with DumDum. He survived... just. Now he lives in a cottage in the countryside with DumDum and defends it to his death... after all, without it his cottage would be on a crater with a radius of 3 miles, which is why the shinigami haven't attempted to destroy him again.

afro lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni   Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni Icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 11:00 pm

your Member rank is still a lame 1 so virtually everything you've written isn't to that rank. Go through and tone down your powers, and remove the bits you shouldn't have yet.

its blatantly obvious you ignored the guidelines and templates
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PostSubject: :D   Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 10:13 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni   Liimunsasai Genrysai Shigekuni Icon_minitime

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